Friday, March 2, 2012

Thank God for Subway

I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After not eating all night my body needs fuel to get it going.  It gets my metabolism moving and it sets the tone for the day.

But I am the mother of 2 and sometimes the day gets ahead of you.  In the past when I have been running late, trying to get the kids dressed, fed, and ready for school and have missed eating myself, I had three options I turned to.  One, starve until I got home. Which depending on the mornings event could be a couple of hours later.  The second, and most often taken one, was grabbing a doughnut with the kid(s).  Even after I really started my new lifestyle changes I convinced myself that as long as I programmed it into my nutrition plan it was alright. (The justifications I have given myself over the years are still astonishing to me). The third is that I could swing by a fast food joint and pick up a breakfast sandwich.  Without any of the sides not really horrible calorically speaking.  (Horrible in several other areas I know.)

But I have found a new ally. Subway.  I can't possibly tell you how much I love Subway.  Not only are they a healthier option then fast food, but all of their nutritional information is available so I can plug it all in to my nutritional plan for the day.  I can still have the convenience of not having to cook every once in awhile without undoing all of the good I have been doing.  BUT.  They now have healthier breakfast options.  This morning I was running late and we had no food in the house, (I was stopping at Trader Joes after I dropped off my oldest at preschool).  I stopped in at the convenient store across the street from his school and grabbed an egg white with spinach and tomato on a whole wheat English muffin breakfast sandwich!

Perfect.  I got food in my belly that was a much healthier option at only $2 that was pretty yummy!!

I should be a spokesperson for them.  Who needs Jared? I could go on and on and on.

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