Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Splurge

I'm gonna be a bit of a buzz kill.

One of the things I dread most about super bowl parties is the absolute crazy amount of food present.  It's the prime setting for over indulging, mindless snacking, and making super poor food choices.  Because let's face it when you think of super bowl food what do you think of?  Beer.  More beer.  Sliders.  Wings.  Chips and dip.  Crap food.  But food that feels "festive."

I am going to a friend's super bowl party today and she is a foodie.  So I am almost certain that whatever food she hosts will be healthy, whole food.  But it's the unknown that frightens me.  How much will there be?  What if other people bring the crap food?  Will I be able to resist temptation or go along with the crowd while hating myself inside?

So this year, I am adapting a game plan of my own.  I have read about these plans but usually just choose the path of least resistance (meaning I bail and avoid the party all together).  But this hasn't always made me the most reliable friend ever.  And I am determined not to let my own demons interfere with the relationships that really matter to me.  So I'm going.  With my game plan.

What is it?  Well, after searching through several other sites addressing this issue I have settled on the picking of 1-2 things that I really really want.  One of them is my guacamole dip I'm bringing with Black Bean and Quinoa Chips from Trader Joes.  So I have put them into my nutrition planning for the day.  I am allowing myself to pick one other thing that's on the table to enjoy.  And I plan on just enjoying those 2 things.  Really enjoying them.   I have also eaten regular all day.  No skipping meals so that I can eat all of my calories in one setting.  I'm not going in hungry.  This is a strategy I have never tried so it will be interesting to see if it makes a difference in controlling my natural impulse...

Which is to eat everything on the table in front of me.

Happy Super bowl peeps! I hope you all make healthy choices.  And if you don't....well....tomorrow's Monday!  And you know what that means....!!!

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